Sunday, April 24, 2011

The influential figures in Women Suffrage

The summary of women suffrage:
       Women suffrage movemnt, namely emancipation of females was ignited from the local levels to the nation during the the 19th Century and early 20th Century. Its core aim was to fight for women's equal rights as men's, for the rights of freedom in their own life and works. Moreover, two  most essential organisations were the National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association,
The influential characters in this movement:
        Lydia Taft: the forerunner of Women Suffrage in Colonial America. She was the first women legally allowed to vote in colonial America.
                                                                                                        (Source: from wikipedia encyclopedia)

                                                                                                (Source:    From News in Sohu website)
         This poster was going to advocate males standing in the battle field, and appeal women to go to work.  This woman was a idol of culture in America who appeared in the recruitment poster during the the World War 2. She was used to work in the airplane manufacturing company, and represented the 6 million America females to be the first woman joining the work, also was the symbol of Amerca Women Suffrage.

Elizabeth Robins
Robins was a n actress, playwright, novelist, and suffragette who became President of the Women' Writers' Suffrage League. She became a member of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, as well as the Women's Social and Political Union. By publishing her own works, she contributed more into this movement to raise women's rights etc. The book entitled Convert became synonymous with the suffrage movement.

Gloria Marie Steinem
She was an American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist who was recognized as a leader of the women's leberation movement. Steinem adopted her writing ability to serve for the rights of women. For instance, "After Black Power, Wemen's Liberation" which along with her supported of abortion rights.